At members’ request and to help ensure the most robust participation in AMWA’s 2022 INSIGHT financial information survey, AMWA has extended the survey deadline to Friday, December 9.
AMWA urges members to take advantage of this benefit by completing the survey before the deadline. Only members that submit their updated financial information will have access to the 2022 database and dashboard, so there is a tangible benefit to participation. Filling out the form will allow members access to the INSIGHT database and dashboard. Water utility systems can:
- Compare their financial data (rates, CIP budgets, revenue sources) to their peer utilities within their state and country-wide;
- Make the case for affordability programs or rate hikes with their governing body; and
- Export the pre-made charts and graphs for use in strategic planning, communications tools, meetings with constituents, local leaders, and more.
AMWA estimates the time commitment for those utilities who have completed it in the past to be about two to three hours. It will take eight to ten hours for new survey participants to complete, but it will be worth the investment.
Every survey is essential to the success of one of AMWA’s most valuable management resources for members. More collected data creates a more useful database for members to use in benchmarking efforts, identifying water sector trends, and developing financial reports.
Utilities planning to take advantage of the extended deadline should email Antoinette Barber if they have not already.