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Insight logoWelcome to INSIGHT: AMWA’s Utility Financial Information Resource

INSIGHT captures timely, relevant and authoritative data on the current water utility financial environment from participating member utilities and delivers that data in an Excel spreadsheet and via a user-friendly online dashboard.

The INSIGHT database is one of AMWA’s most valuable management tools for members, a goldmine of useful financial information that can be applied to both financial planning and communicating with key constituencies on financial issues.  Through the dashboard and Excel spreadsheet, participating members can compare their own data to that of other utilities in the areas of capital assets, CIP budgets, debt, rate structures, revenue sources, expense categories, affordability programs and much more.

2024 Survey

2024 INSIGHT Utility Financial Survey Results and Trends Webinar

Join AMWA and Raftelis for a free webinar on Wednesday, February 19 at 3:00 p.m. ET. Utility CEOs, CFOs, and programmatic teams will learn the 2024 INSIGHT utility financial information survey results on key metrics such as operations and maintenance costs and how utilities can use the robust database and dashboard in financial planning, management, and reporting. New data also includes data on PFAS.

Register today.

Only utilities participating in the 2024 survey can access the updated INSIGHT database and dashboard. Members without access can contact Antoinette Barber about current options for completing the survey.


Practical Applications of INSIGHT in Utilities

On Tuesday, July 9, AMWA’s Management Committee and Raftelis had an informative webinar: “Practical Applications of INSIGHT in Utilities.” During the meeting, Brett Anderson, Business Operations Manager for the City of Minneapolis' Water Treatment and Distribution Services Division, provided a case study presentation on how he has utilized INSIGHT, including a comprehensive look at budgeting, data analysis, communication strategies, and operational efficiencies from various perspectives within his utility. Rocky Craley, Vice President at Raftelis, also shared a brief overview of the 2024 INSIGHT survey, including its updates, changes, timeline submissions, and more.

Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation. 

View the webinar slide presentation and recording


The INSIGHT dashboard is an innovative data visualization tool that brings to life the wealth of intelligence gathered from the 2022 survey results, as well as data from past surveys for trending analyses. The dashboard allows members to produce colorful, exportable charts from 22 categories of data containing more than 160 metrics and to compare the data to their own utility’s survey results. The dashboard has the added power to filter data and perform analyses by state, and the full Excel database provides a wealth of useful data.

Excel Database

The INSIGHT Excel database contains information gathered from 162 questions, capturing several hundred metrics. It contains all the data gathered in all seven biennial surveys.

Download the INSIGHT Excel spreadsheet

Note: Members may not share the INSIGHT database outside their own organizations.


Not in the INSIGHT database?  Only AMWA member utilities that completed the 2022 survey have access to the dashboard and Excel database.

AMWA members that did not participate in the survey, but are interested in obtaining INSIGHT access should contact AMWA's Antoinette Barber about current options for survey participation.