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AMWA’s fourth biannual Utility Financial Information (UFI) program is underway with the launch in early September of the 2014 survey to capture authoritative data on the current water utility financial environment.  An email from AMWA President Chuck Murray provided the survey forms to all members and urged full participation in the important utility management project by the survey deadline of November 19.

The UFI survey form was redesigned for 2014 to accommodate member recommendations, including the addition of questions on reclaimed water.  Member utilities that completed the survey in 2012, 2010 or 2008 received a survey form that is pre-populated with their responses from the most recent survey submitted.  They need only revise the answers that have changed.

The UFI survey is open only to AMWA members, so the results will reflect input from the nation’s largest drinking water systems.  As an incentive for participation, only members that complete the survey will have access to the database.

Members who did not receive their UFI survey or who have questions about the program can contact Carolyn Peterson at [email protected] or 202-331-2820.