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Appropriations language for fiscal year 2014 requires projects utilizing Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs) to use “American Iron and Steel (AIS).” The provision requires “assistance recipients to use iron and steel products that are produced in the United States for projects for the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public water system or treatment works if the project is funded through an assistance agreement executed beginning January 17, 2014 (enactment of the Act), through the end of Fiscal Year 2014.”

To assist utilities in complying with AIS requirements, EPA published an “American Iron and Steel Requirement Guidance” explaining its interpretation of the statutory language. In addition to an overview of the AIS requirements, the guidance provides, in question and answer format, EPA’s interpretation of specific AIS provisions and terminology. Instructions for applying for waivers and examples of contractual language that can be used to ensure AIS adherence are also included.

The guidance and other information on the AIS requirements, including drafts of two national waivers are available on EPA’s “State Revolving Fund American Iron and Steel Requirement” webpage.