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The Georgetown Climate Center released a report, Preparing Our Communities for Climate Impacts: Recommendations for Federal Action, which identifies 100 recommendations for the  White House Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience. The report was based on several workshops convened by the Center and calls out
 “more than 30 federal programs, initiatives, and laws that can be used to prepare for extreme events such as storms, floods, and heat waves as well as rising seas.”

Several recommendations are similar to recommendations AMWA has made on this topic. These include:

  1. Federal agencies should require federal infrastructure investments to be built to account for future climate impacts;
  2. The US Army Corps of Engineers should shorten the time period for taking a project from planning to implementation;
  3. EPA should provide additional guidance and encourage states to use State Revolving Fund money for climate adaptation projects;
  4. Federal agencies should coordinate across programs and agencies to encourage integrated watershed planning; and
  5. EPA should integrate climate considerations into Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act programs.