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Progress toward passage of a new Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) continued last week when the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved its version of the legislation to authorize a series of water navigation and flood control projects. The WRDA bill approved by the House committee (H.R. 5303) would authorize 28 Army Corps of Engineers projects, including feasibility studies for new projects and modifications to existing projects.  The bill also includes language that would authorize the Corps to evaluate water supply conservation measures (such as stormwater capture and water releases for groundwater recharge or aquifer storage and recovery) in states suffering from drought emergencies. 

Missing from the committee-approved bill are any provisions aimed at investing in drinking water infrastructure or responding to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.  The Senate WRDA bill approved by the Environment and Public Works Committee in April included millions of dollars in federal aid targeted at Flint, as well as $70 million to jumpstart the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) pilot program and new initiatives to help communities replace lead service lines and increase lead testing in schools.  But congressional staff have indicated that lawmakers will consider including some of these provisions in the final WRDA bill that a House and Senate conference committee will eventually negotiate.

The full House and Senate are each expected to vote on their respective WRDA bills before lawmakers leave Washington in mid-July for Congress’ summer recess.