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Spurred by the crisis in Flint, Michigan, lead is an issue dominating discussions throughout the drinking water industry, and it will figure as a key topic of conversation during AMWA’s Water Policy Conference in Washington, D.C., March 20 – 23.  EPA’s Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water Joel Beauvais and Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Director Peter Grevatt are confirmed to speak at the conference and are expected to give updates on Flint and next steps for regulation of lead in drinking water.  In addition to these sessions with key federal officials, AMWA has scheduled a separate session on Sunday, March 20 for AMWA members to discuss among themselves the issues surrounding Flint and lead in drinking water.

The roundtable discussions, commencing at 5:00 on Sunday afternoon (following AMWA's board meeting), will focus on the impacts the recent lead crisis in Flint has had on AMWA utilities and local communities. Small group discussions will allow brainstorming of ideas on how to best communicate with the public and media about the risks posed by lead in drinking water based on local experiences – both good and bad. Boston Water and Sewer Commission Chief Engineer John Sullivan will kick off the discussions by sharing his recent experience on the ground in Flint, and AMWA's legal counsel, Bob Saner, will give an update on the legal actions in play related to the crisis. This will be a closed session (no press) and will be a good foundation for follow-up discussions with other AMWA members, regulators and Congressional representatives throughout the conference and during any additional meetings members may schedule.

If you haven’t done so already, register for the conference at AMWA’s WPC webpage today and be part of this important discussion.