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Lawmakers were unable to reach agreement on a new farm bill before breaking for the holidays, but top House and Senate negotiators said they are close to a deal and hope to finish work on the bill early in January.

Reports from Capitol Hill say the remaining sticking points center around controversial issues such as the amount of funding to cut from food stamp programs and formulas for calculating commodity subsidies. Nevertheless, both Democrats and Republicans have expressed optimism the issues can be resolved and a compromise bill put before Congress soon after members return to Washington next month.

Whenever finalized, the bill remains likely to include a streamlined Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) that will, among other priorities, offer matching funds to farmers who cooperate with local communities on projects to protect or improve water quality. This portion of the RCPP will be a successor to the Agricultural Water Enhancement Program (AWEP), which AMWA worked to include in the 2008 farm bill.