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AMWA was part of a group of 12 water utility and municipal organizations that wrote to President Obama on January 31 to request “robust funding levels” for the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs when the White House releases its FY15 budget request next month.

The groups asked the administration to request at least $907 million for the DWSRF and $1.449 billion for the CWSRF – equal to each program’s final FY14 appropriation. In justification of this investment, the groups cited data demonstrating the job-creating potential of water infrastructure spending and referenced EPA’s own estimates showing that more than $571 billion will have to be spent on existing water and wastewater infrastructure over the next two decades just to maintain current levels of service.

President Obama is expected to send his FY15 budget proposal to Capitol Hill on March 4.