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To help water resource managers and city planners better prepare for changes in climate, as well as associated impacts to the environment, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) collaborated with AMWA and other partners to create a water resources dashboard – a one-stop location for water-relevant datasets. AMWA also collaborated with NOAA, the Water Environment Research Foundation and other partners to create a series of 30-minute webcasts highlighting specific datasets.

Each session will target one or more datasets featuring a scientist involved in the development or application of that dataset, as well as a practitioner or decision maker who uses them in operations or planning. Sessions will include time for questions and answers. The first webinar, “Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts Part 1,” is scheduled for Wednesday, May 11, from 1:00-1:30 p.m. ET.  Registration is required and is available online.  The speakers will be Greg Carbin of the NOAA National Weather Prediction Center and
 Mindy Scott of the Sanitation District No. 1 of Northern Kentucky.  Webcast recordings will be added under their respective dataset within the Dashboard for future reference.