Washington, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) that would amend the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions finalized in 2021. In addition to lowering the action level and updating tap sampling procedures, the proposed LCRI would require public water systems to replace 100 percent of lead service lines nationwide within ten years.
AMWA has repeatedly highlighted numerous barriers to lead service line identification and replacement that drinking water systems are currently experiencing - including, but not limited to, increasing costs, supply chain disruptions, workforce shortages, incomplete or missing building records, and lack of access to the private side of the service line. AMWA is pleased to see EPA’s proposal acknowledges barriers related to accessing lead service lines on private property. AMWA looks forward to thoroughly reviewing the proposal to identify ways the association can continue to work with EPA to collaborate on additional solutions.
“AMWA and its member drinking water systems across the country are committed to providing clean and safe water to all Americans and share EPA’s goal of working toward the identification and replacement of all lead service lines across the country. As noted during EPA’s Get the Lead Out Event earlier this year, successfully replacing lead service lines requires a cooperative effort between local water systems and individual homeowners, and adequate funding assistance from state or federal sources,” said AMWA CEO Tom Dobbins. “AMWA urges EPA to focus on providing drinking water systems with the resources and tools necessary to achieve this ambitious goal, and working toward eliminating the real barriers that exist for many utilities.”
Once published in the Federal Register, the public will have 60 days to provide comments on the proposed rule. AMWA looks forward to providing constructive feedback and recommendations to EPA to collaboratively formulate an implementable rule that is protective of public health.
The Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) has been the unified and definitive voice for the nation’s largest publicly owned water systems for over 40 years. AMWA’s membership serves more than 160 million people with safe drinking water.