The 2023 Executive Management Conference (EMC) is set to take place in San Diego, California, from October 22-25. This highly-anticipated event not only offers a valuable opportunity for peer-to-peer networking but also features an impressive lineup of renowned speakers and specialized topics designed specifically for leaders in the water sector. Notably, the conference will open with an interactive workshop by keynote speaker Betsy Allen-Manning on workforce development.
In addition to informative sessions on pertinent topics such as strategies for effective advocacy and communication in an era of instant information, as well as the application and utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies in water systems, the conference will feature an exciting executive panel discussion of California utilities who will share their insights on managing water resources in their respective regions. The panelists include:
- Clifford Chan, General Manager, East Bay Municipal Utilities District;
- Robert Cheng, Assistant General Manager, Coachella Valley Water District; and
- Rosemary Menard, Water Director, Santa Cruz Municipal Utilities.
The EMC also will feature new Wednesday programming focused on the future of metropolitan water utility management and an opportunity for participants to visit facilities supporting the Pure Water San Diego project.
To secure your spot at AMWA’s 2023 EMC, the association urges members, subscribers, and non-member utilities to register before the August 31 early-bird deadline. AMWA encourages registrants to connect with AMWA on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook using the hashtag #2023EMC.