Member to Member Inquiries
AMWA provides a forum for utility members to ask questions and share their thoughts with other members on various aspects of utility operations.
“The Member to Member Inquiry program is one of the most useful benefits of being a member of AMWA. There is an incredible wealth of knowledge, experience, and ideas throughout AMWA’s membership, and being able to tap into that with an inquiry has helped us advance our mission at the Suffolk County Water Authority. Conversely, it is a pleasure to be able to share our expertise with others. If we can help other water providers succeed, the entire industry is better for it.” Jeffrey Szabo, CEO, Suffolk County Water Authority
Here’s How it Works
- To send an inquiry, please contact us with a summary of the issue, draft survey questions, a point of contact, and a preferred deadline date.
- AMWA’s staff will set up an online survey and e-mail it to the membership.
- AMWA collects the survey results in an Excel spreadsheet and a pdf file that presents many of the findings using charts and graphs.
- Results are posted to this page, categorized by general topic and date, and members are notified by e-mail of the availability of the results.
Member to member inquires and their results are for use by AMWA member utilities only. Member utilities should treat the information confidentially.